National Jamboree – 2023
Golden Gate Area Council
2023 National Scout Jamboree
Council Contingent Information
The Council is in the process of forming our contingents for the 2023 National Scout Jamboree (NSJ) to be held at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in scenic West Virginia in July 2023. Join Scouts from around the nation to experience white water rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, rappelling, mountain-biking, skateboarding, shooting sports, zip-line challenge courses and much more. Sign up today to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime fellowship of Scouting experience! This is the third NSJ to feature high-adventure outdoor activities for the Boy Scouts of America.
Friday, July 14 – Saturday, July 29, 2023 (including DC area tours & travel)
The Jamboree is onsite at the Summit Bechtel Reserve July 19 – July 28, 2023
$3,900 (estimated) for Adults Leaders, Scouts & Venturers. – Initial Deposit of $485
Due upon registration
Council pricing includes the BSA Jamboree fees, travel and tour expenses, NSJ hat and neckerchief, select Contingent patches, duffel bag, and 2 T-shirts. Participants are responsible for two complete BSA uniforms (required), and spending money for the tour and Jamboree.
Washington, DC and National Capital area highlights, before traveling to NSJ.
Each Troop unit consists of 32 Scouts and 4 Leaders, so positions are limited! Currently, plans are to send 2 Boy and 1 Girl Scout troop, and 1 Crew – depending on sign ups.
Webinar Schedule
Join us for more information about the 2023 National Jamboree
Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00pm
Wednesday, July 6 at 7:00pm
Wednesday, August 3 at 7:00p
Sunday, June 5 at 7:00pm
Sunday, July10 at 7:00pm
Sunday, August 7 at 7:00pm
Eligibility: Scouts must be First Class rank, have completed 6th grade or be 12 years of age by July 19, 2023, but not have reached their 18th birthday before July 28, 2023. Additionally, young adults (18-20) are allowed to participate as ‘scouts’, but cannot share tents with youth.
All participants must have current BSA membership, meet the minimum physical BMI standards (see Jamboree website) and complete an online NSJ Personal Health and Medical Record, and participate in pre-Jamboree troop meetings and the Contingent camping weekend.
Troop Meetings – typically one per month starting September 2022)
Patrol Leader Council (PLC) – Meetings (youth leaders in Spring 2023)
Occasional Parent Meetings – scheduled at Troop Leaders’ discretion
Contingent Camping weekend – likely Memorial Day Wknd, May 2023
Council Payment Schedule – released in Spring 2022
More Information & Registration:
GGAC Jamboree Committee Chair; Email Ray Chan
Apply Right Now!!! Once the Troop youth capacity is full, new applicants will be
placed on a wait list.
More Information on the Web: