Citizenship in Society
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
BSA released this Merit Badge on November 1, 2021. Included in the release were:
- A requirements document for scouts (there will not be a pamphlet);
- A requirements document for Merit Badge Counselors; and
- A Guide for Merit Badge Counselors.
Scouts will be required to earn this badge if they do not complete all other Eagle Scout rank requirements (through a unit leader conference) except an Eagle Scout board of review by June 30, 2022. After this date, the 21 merit badges will include 14 required.
This unique badge requires a different counseling method than the other 137 badges. The Advancement Committee developed an implementation plan. First is the qualification of counselors. They will have to take the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training for Volunteers (SCO-1800) at my.scouting, a council presented Citizenship in Society Counselor Orientation, and participate in an interview with our advancement administrators. SCO-1800 is available on line.
Unit leaders are requested to review the scout’s requirements while considering a scout’s request. This badge has different challenges for the scout and their family and a unit leader should discuss them with the scout and their parents or guardians.
Citizenship in Society is not suitable for large group instruction and will require a significant amount of time and effort. It covers topics that require a level of maturity of the scout and an individual relationship with their counselor. Unit leaders should take this into account when giving guidance on this badge. Scoutbook is optimum for assigning a counselor and counselor-scout communications.