Sign-Up Nights
Sign-Up Night
Best Practices for Sign-Up Nights
- Sign-Up night is at the school where most new members attend
> Packs that have high attendance from multiple Schools offer multiple Signup nights
> This is really important.
- Sign-Up night is a stand alone event
> Not back to school, or a Pack meeting - Sign-Up nights are held on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
> There is no way to send a day before reminder for a Monday and Families have other activities on Fridays
- Sign up nights take place early in the school year
> With a goal of the second or third week of school
This is the Family’s First Scouting Experience
Consider the expectations the new families have of an organization
- See the adventure they will be a part of
- Learn when and where meetings take place and who to contact
- Learn what is expected of the new member families – Time, Training, Volunteerism, Cost
- Sing-Up – They did come to an event called a Sign-Up Night
Be Clear in the expectations the Pack has of the families and the sign-up night
- Develop new Dens (With new volunteer leadership)
- Sing-Up new youth members
After the Sign-Up Night
Units Follow-up
- Provide a welcome phone call and/or email to new families
- Ensure the first den meeting is within 2 weeks of joining
- A 2nd chance/Raincheck recruitment/Bring a friend/Fill the Den opportunity exists for all new and returning in the first month of program
- An outdoor activity or adventure is available within the first month of the Sing-Up night
- This can be the 2nd join activity