VOA Picnic
Venturing Canoeing & Picnic Event
On Sunday, April 16, 2023, the GGAC Venturing Officers Association (VOA) and Venturing Crew 2 hosted a Canoeing & Picnic event at Heart’s Desire Beach – Tomales Bay State Park. This event was the first in-person VOA outdoor event since both the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 council merger.
Venturers and Scouts had a fun time on the water
and enjoyed some lunch.
Special shout-out to the VOA Officer team and Crew 2 for their hard work in planning & execution to make this event happen!
Check out the photo gallery on our Facebook page
If any Venturing Crews would like to take part in hosting Council Venturing events, participate in these events, or have suggestions in what kind of Venturing events you want to see in GGAC, please contact us:
GGAC VOA President Millie Moon Or VOA Advisors Patrick Jaime , and Eleanore Kim