GGAC LEAD – 2023
Leader Education and Discovery – 2023
Saturday, January 28, 2023 | Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill
L.E.A.D. 2023 Participant Survey
Thank you for attending L.E.A.D. 2023. Your feedback is very important to us, and we appreciate your time. We have shortened the survey to a few questions. We will use your responses to plan for next year’s L.E.A.D.
Thank you in advance for your time.
L.E.A.D. Program
Check out the Campus Map, Schedule, Staff, and much, much more.
Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.) is the ultimate one-day training event for Scout Leaders, Parents, Volunteers, and Youth Leaders. It combines University of Scouting and Pow Wow into one epic leadership event. Join us for an action-packed day of learning, fun, and connecting with fellow Scouters!
L.E.A.D. is for ALL leaders, volunteers, and applicable youth in the Boy Scouts of America, including Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Exploring, and Sea Scouts. We also offer courses for youth leaders through our Young Adult Program. L.E.A.D. is for anyone who would like to learn new skills, how to work with youth more effectively, and increase the FUN in Scouting.
L.E.A.D. offers over 130 classes across 8 colleges:
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts College is for new and experienced Cub Scout leaders. Courses include position-specific training, ideas to bring fun and excitement to meetings, ways to engage parents, recruitment strategies, and skills such as First Aid, Woodcarving, Cooking, Derbies, and more!
Scouts BSA
The College of Scouts BSA offers courses and training for adult and youth leaders in Scouts BSA. Leaders can receive position-specific training, parents can learn about the transition from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA, youth can learn to be a great Den Chief or Senior Patrol Leader, and so much more. Join skills classes in cooking, paracord, STEM activities, team-building games, and more.
Recommended for all Venturing scouts, parents, and adult leaders. Learn about the Venturing program and how Venturers compliment the Scouts BSA program
Sea Scouts
Sea Scouts was the original skills-based High Adventure program. Learn what Sea Scouts has to offer older youth and how it can provide opportunities to build your Troop’s High Adventure Program.
Recommended for all Exploring scouts, parents, and adult leaders. Learn about the Exploring program and how Explorers complement the Scouts BSA program.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education classes are for everyone and include a broad range of topics including swimming, backpacking, snow camping, navigation, shooting sports, knots, high adventure, fishing, cycling, outdoor service projects and so much more. There is a class for every interest!
Continuing Education
Continuing Education includes courses that are useful for all programs including courses in marketing, communication, safety, STEM/Nova, CPR, and other certifications, and District/Council events.
Technology (new for 2023!)
The NEW Technology College offers courses geared specifically toward scouting in the digital age. Courses include information on Scoutbook, my.Scouting, unit websites, and how to use technology effectively for your unit.
The day is broken up into 6 sessions in total. Some classes are 1 session, and some (such as CPR certification or position-specific leader training) span multiple sessions. Be sure to view the class schedule for course information.
Also, check out the course schedule matrix for courses geared specifically to Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Committee Members, Scoutmasters/ASMs, Diversity/Equality/Inclusion, Outdoor Ethics, Emergency Preparedness, and Youth Members!
Class Catalog
Course Schedule Matrix
Course Schedule Detail
This year L.E.A.D. will offer Degree Programs across 8 colleges.
- Cub Scouts
- Scouts BSA
- Venturing
- Sea Scouts
- Exploring
- Outdoor Education
- Continuing Education
- Technology
GGAC L.E.A.D. Degree Program Guidelines
The L.E.A.D. Degree Program provides an informal program of advancement in an atmosphere of fellowship and fun. The intent is for you to be able to track the progress of your supplemental training and to reward yourselves for your accomplishments. The incentive is not only for you to carry on with your training, but to inspire you to return each year and share the wealth of your experience with all of us, as you continue your own Scouting Trail. You need not complete a degree to participate fully in the L.E.A.D., but if you are interested, here are some important guidelines:
1. The L.E.A.D. Degree Program is open to all registered Scouts and Scouters, ages 14 and older, who have completed the basic training for their position. Valid Youth Protection Training certification for the appropriate program and age level is required for all degrees.
2. Those who intend to pursue a degree must fill out their Degree Program Applications and submit them to the L.E.A.D. Registration Desk by 1:00 p.m. on the day of the event, in order to receive their certificates and appropriate patches at the closing ceremony.
3. Late applications will be processed as time and materials permit, but they may be lost if not submitted promptly.
4. University transcripts are not maintained by the GGAC event volunteers. It is up to all students to track their own participation in L.E.A.D., and the event staff cannot promise to help recreate lost records should that distributed paperwork be misplaced.
5. Each Degree builds on that which came before, so the Masters, for example, requires completion of the Bachelor degree in order to apply. GGAC L.E.A.D. staff makes no commitment to accept degrees from other councils as prerequisites to any degree in this program.
6. Courses taken from the legacy SFBAC University of Scouting will count for courses completed.
7. The only degrees open to youth under the age of 18 are Associate and Bachelor; the Doctorate is available only to Adult Scouters 21 and over.
8. Finally, if this is not fun, then you are not doing it correctly: Stop doing this immediately, if it is not fun!
Download Degree Program Guideline PDF
GGAC Degree Program Application Form
If you would like a rocker patch for the degree(s) you earned, they will be available for purchase for $1 per patch, cash only.
- 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Participants and Staff Check-in - 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Opening Ceremonies
- Morning Sessions
8:40 am – 9:30 am - Session 1
9:40 am – 10:30 am - Session 2
10:40 am – 11:30 am - Session 3
11:30 am – 2:00 pm
Midway Vendor and Program Resources Display - 11:45 am – 12:00 pm
Wood Badge Beading Ceremony
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Afternoon Sessions
- 1:10 pm – 2:00 pm
Session 4 - 2:10 pm – 3:00 pm
Session 5 - 3:10 pm – 4:00 pm
- Session 6
- 4:10 pm – 4:40 pm
Closing Ceremony
Register early and bring a friend for a great day of scouting! Learn, Explore and Enjoy!
EARLY REGISTRATION (before 1/1/2023) – $50/adult, $20/youth (lunch included)
REGULAR REGISTRATION (1/1/2023 to 1/22/2023) – $65/adult, $25/youth (lunch included)
LATE REGISTRATION (after 1/22/2023) – $85/adult, $35/youth … LUNCH NOT INCLUDED FOR LATE REGISTRANTS
Questions? Email Roy Adam, L.E.A.D. 2023 Course Director