Pack 1776’s Supernova Awards

Nine Arrow of Light Scouts from Cub Scout Pack 1776 earned the Dr. Charles H. Townes Supernova Award this February 2021.  The Dr. Charles Townes Supernova Award is Cub Scouting’s  highest STEM Award and can be earned by Webelos/ Arrow of Light scouts.  Pack 1776 serves boys and girls attending the Coyote Creek and Bella Vista elementary schools in San Ramon, California (Meridian District).



Under the guidance of Supernova Mentors Ariel Karahalios and Lalitha Balasubramanian, twenty-one Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts from Pack 1776 participated in a 7-week program to learn about different areas of STEM.  Scouts fulfilled various tasks such as building circuits, researching and giving presentations on notable scientists, going on a geological hike, and discussed how science, technology, engineering and math affect their daily lives.  The program culminated with the scouts presenting their own science project before the Council STEM Committee.  In addition to the 7 week course, scouts had to complete at least five science, engineering or conservation related adventures.


Pack 1776 is looking forward to its next wave of Supernova candidates when their two Webelos dens finish up their five required adventures this Spring.

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