NYLT Leadership Training
The Scouts BSA NYLT course presents what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO, by applying modern leadership and team development theories in a co-ed environment.
Participants camp, work, play and learn – living a month in the life of a model troop condensed into an intense week long or two weekend course. They experience the stages of team development, practice from a “toolbox” of leadership skills and learn that leadership requires vision, goals, and planning.
Participants learn how to be a leading influence in their own unit; discovering resources, methods, games and new skills to make unit meetings, treks and other activities more exciting and worthwhile. They also develop skills that help them emerge as leaders outside their units – at school and in the community.
For more information about this training program the courses being offered in June 2021 – COVID restrictions permitting – please go to GGAC NYLT for dates, locations and registration information.