Scouting for Food
Scouting for Food – 2021
Scouting for Food in 2021 reminded us that even in dire times of need, we are able to follow safety protocols and provide service to our community. In Fall 2020, we shifted our focus to a virtual food drive and crowd funded $22,000 for our local food banks. Our community partners are able to take every dollar donated and stretch that to purchase $7 worth of food.
This year, our focus was to go back to basics and collect our physical tin cans and boxes of non perishable goods. We partnered with over six food bank and churches this year to bring in 241,478 pounds of food, which comes out to some 206,096 meals provided! That’s roughly five times more than what we collected in 2020.
Thank you for all those who helped us organize this event. From the district land grabs to the minivans and trailers pulling in the food. This act of community service could not have been successful if it wasn’t for all of you.